The types of places we inhabit have a profound impact on health, society, the economy and the environment. This report distils 271 empirical research studies to uncover the truth about the qualities of the built environment that are good for us and deliver place value.
The Ladder of Place Quality is a simple tool for decision-makers to use when considering: are we making a great place?
The urban places that most of us inhabit are both physical and social, made up of buildings, streets, spaces and landscape, various land uses and a community of users. In recent years the evidence base that links better place design with value has grown significantly. The evidence indicates that high quality places add value in regard to health, social, economic and environmental outcomes.
The sum of these outcomes = place value.
As planners, developers, architects or decision-makers, we can improve the built environment to enhance place value.
The robust evidence that underpins this report draws from a vast range of academic studies. For convenience we have collected all the underpinning research together in one place in an open-source website that is continually updated with new empirical evidence: www.place-value-wiki.net
A Place Alliance report supported by the Design Network, booklet designed by Urban Goods (add hyperlinks)